
I've signed on to direct the Curly's Record Run snowshoe race for 2017. It's been a number of years, 2011 to my recollection, since this race has been held on the original course; the reason being lack of snow. Curly is no longer with us but his infamous ski run will always be there.

Like many others, this race was always my favorite because it included climbing, techy descent, windy woodsy rollers, and a sprint finish; all of this in less than 4 miles.

This years race will be held at Pittsfield State Forest on January 29th with a 10 AM start. Parking and registration will be in the Lulu Brk lot.

Registration will be day of only and will cost $20 cash or check. Proceeds from the event go to the Curly Voll Scholarship Fund.

I am not on Facebook or other social media so any questions should be directed to me via email.  pbazanchuk@gmail.com

While there have been substitute courses used for this event in the past, it will not be the case this time. For me, the course is what made the race and if conditions don't allow, the race will be cancelled.

Here's a link, courtesy of Brad Herder, to all thing Curly's. http://www.berkshiresports.org/index.php?ID=curlysrecordrun

I will post updates on this blog as we count down to Jan. 29th.